Signing With GoodNovel — Types Of Contracts

2 min readAug 13, 2022


Being a signed author of GoodNovel might be a milestone in your writing career. We offer two different contract types:

1. Exclusive contract

2. Non-exclusive contract

EXCLUSIVE contract means that your novel can only be published on GoodNovel. If the novel has been published on other platforms, you should remove it within 30 days. The sooner, the better. But it’s okay to put a few of your free chapters on other platforms to tell the readers to read your story on GoodNovel.

NON-EXCLUSIVE contract means your novel can also be published on other platforms. But please know that you can only have it pay-to-read on other platforms, NOT free to read.

#What about the income of Exclusive and Non-Exclusive contracts?

The author receives 50% of the NET revenue share (readers pay to unlock premium chapters) from both exclusive and non-exclusive stories.

Following is the new exclusive and non-exclusive benefits plan that comes to effect from apr.1st, 2021.

Exclusive stories can also earn an exclusive reward according to updating frequency and word count.

The Exclusive reward consists of 3 parts:

  1. Signing Bonus $100

When your exclusive book reach 30k words, $100 as a signing bonus will be added to your account.

2. Monthly attendance bonus(MAB) $150

  • When you update your exclusive book(s) for >= 50k words and 25 days a calendar month, you will receive $150 as of this month’s MAB.
  • The word count and updating days are calculated based on GMT+8 time.
  • Only after you claim the signing bonus will you be eligible of receiving the MAB. The 30k words in the signing bonus will not be counted again in MAB.

3. Completion Bonus

When completed, If your exclusive book has:

80k — 120k words — You will be getting $150

120k-150k words — You will be getting $250

150k -200k words — You will be getting $325

>200k words — You will be getting $400

Non-exclusive stories only gets 50% of the amount readers pay for your premium chapters, so the more popular your book is, the more you’ll earn.

In addition to the profit share, if you complete your book first on our platform, you will get $50 Non-exclusive Reward for each non-exclusive book that has more than 80k words!

For more information, you can click “writer benefit” on GoodNovel homepage or “To be a GoodNovel Writer!” on Profile page of GoodNovel app:




Written by GoodNovel

GoodNovel is a web fiction platform and community dedicated to create a new generation of classic novels. Available on App store & Google Play.

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