A good idea is halfway to your success! Want to write a popular werewolf story? Here are some storylines we cooked up for you!
The werewolf stories are absolutely the most popular on GoodNovel. It has a large number of potential readers and a lot of them are willing to pay for a good story. Do check out Love Conquers All writing contest at GoodNovel after reading this!
Ø Rejected Mate
Werewolves’ mates are destined, but there are ALWAYS those who would try to go against the Moon Goddess’s arrangement and give us a fascinating story of a heart-aching rejection. Is he just too arrogant to be with anyone? Or maybe she’s the one who does this for the pack’s greater good. But in the end, after the heavy price being paid, love always wins.
Ø The Wolfless Girl
The most special wolf girl meets the rarest yet toughest problem: missing her wolf. Your late bloomer’s special feature can be anything. Born a witch hybrid or under a moonless night, maybe she’s just the weakest cub. But one thing is certain: she will be rewarded with the most special wolf when she defeats her fate.
Ø The Cursed Lover
Admired and envied and by his pack, and yet the alpha has a burden that no one could bear for him: a witch’s curse has kept him from finding his mate for all these years. He could be locking his own heart up; he might also face the risk of being cast out by his own pack. No matter what his decision is, one thing is sure: love always finds its way.
Ø Inter-species Love
Sweetness turns sour when an alpha finally meets the girl of his life just to find out that she’s not a werewolf. What’s even worse is that the family behind her has been werewolves’ nemesis for centuries. Love conquers all, of course, but the question is — how?
Start now, and the next best-selling werewolf story will be yours! Check out Love Conquers All writing contest at GoodNovel and sign up to win your big prize now!
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