GoodNovel Writing Tips: How to desgin your plot

2 min readDec 9, 2021


Struggling with starting your story? Got stuck in the middle of writing? This article provides you all the tips you need to write a good novel smoothly and successfully.

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1. Find a good starting point

Sometimes, we don’t need to try so hard to write a story full of unexpectations. Instead, we just need to be creative about our starting point. You might find some categories are so commonly seen that you don’t dare to step into this area anymore. But you sure can still write about it, just with a different starting point!

Start your story differently does not mean change to a different topic. Be an observer of life and be inspired from it! There never lacks a good way to start a story.

2. Avoide cobbling together pieces

You don’t want your story to be consisted of all the popular plots of other sotries already out there. It’s impossible to connect pieces of other stories so perfectly that your readers will still find it exciting. Your story will end up in becoming dry and dull. Create your own story and let the plots flow.

3. Let your characters lead the plot, and let the plots enrich your characters

Plots and characters should be interwined together. Don’t create plots irrelevant with the development of story but just to build up your characters. In contrary, the characters should be developed along with the story.

Literature is different from mathematics, there is no formula in literature. Above life, below logic, everywhere your mind goes, there is a way to continue your story.

For more web novels writing tips, check out GoodNovel Academy — a place where GoodNovel provides writers free courses on writing to communicate and to improve.




Written by GoodNovel

GoodNovel is a web fiction platform and community dedicated to create a new generation of classic novels. Available on App store & Google Play.

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