Easy way to Earn Bonuses on GoodNovel
As a member of GoodNovel, today I will summarize the ways to get free bonuses from GoodNovel.
Generally speaking, there are two main ways to get bonuses, one is to directly participate in daily activities in the GoodNovel platform to get free bonuses, and the other is to participate in the official activities released by GoodNovel in social media platforms, such as Facebook, Facebook Group or Instagram. Now, I’m going to share the specific ways to get them.
Earn Rewards in GoodNovel App
I’m sure many GoodNovel users have participated in the daily tasks in the platform.
1. How to Enter Bonuses-obtained Interface
When you open GoodNovel App, there will be a gift-box-like icon in the upper right corner of the interface. Just click on it and you can enter the Earn Rewards interface. Or, click Earn Rewards on the Profile interface to enter the Earn Rewards page. As shown in the picture:
2. How to Get Bonuses
After entering the bonus collection interface, the page shows two types of tasks.
One is daily check-in. You only need to click the Check-in button and your account can receive bonuses directly. Continuous Check-in will receive more bonuses.
The other is daily tasks, such as adding to a library, reading books, and etc. Only after completing the task and clicking the Claim button will your bonuses be transferred to your GoodNovel account.
3. Timely Free Bonuses Activities
Occasional free bonuses activities are often featured on Goodnovel banners, such as, GoodNovel is currently holding a bonuses giveaway activity with Jane Doe, a writer on the GoodNovel platform.
4. How to Check the Status of Bonuses Collection
If you want to check the amount of bonuses you have received and the status of your bonuses, you can go to the Profile page and click Bonus to check. If your account obtains bonuses abnormally, you could Message GoodNovel on Facebook. The following link is GoodNovel’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoodNovels
The above is to obtain free bonuses by completing the tasks in GoodNovel App. In addition, GoodNovel will also publish free bonuses activities from time to time on the social media platform.
Next essay, I’ll unlock the GoodNovel’s Free Bonuses Activities on Social Media. Follow us and get GoodNovel News.