GoodNovel launched a call for submissions for LGBTQ+ writing contest — A Touch of Rainbow!
GoodNovel is inviting aspiring and budding writers from all genres including CEO, Young Adult, Werewolf, Fantasy, etc. to join the writer’s community and get involved in their writing contest about love between boys.
GoodNovel, the international content platform for original online literature, has launched a writing competition with cash rewards up to $15,000 USD in total during Pride month 2021 to celebrate by creating awareness for LGBTQ+ writers and readers. GoodNovel calls for submissions of queer stories about boy’s love and has announced the deadline for entry is November 30, 2021.
GoodNovel is an online community that provides authors with a place to create authentic stories. For A Touch of Rainbow, writers of all genres, whether it is romance, werewolf, fantasy, chicklit or horror, are welcome to participate in the contest. 10 prizes are set for this contest, including 1 First Prize, $2500 USD cash reward, 2 Second Prizes, $2000 USD each, 3 Third Prizes for $1500 USD each, and 4 special prizes which will be given out to works that fit to certain themes.
If a book is already signed with GoodNovel, it would not be eligible to go in for the contest. Books that were used in any other contest are also not eligible to enter this contest. More entry rules on:
Love is pure. Love is caring. Love is warming, and it is beautiful. But most importantly love has no limitations.
People don’t really decide whether to fall in love or even with whom to fall in love. It all just happens naturally without much effort. It is a natural desire which comes from within.
GoodNovel believes there remains talented writers and undiscovered LGBTQ+ story gems. Whether you have a touching story like Brokeback Mountain, or you want to put down a biography of yourself regarding a heart-broken story with a straight boy like Giovanni’s Room, come and sign up for A Touch of Rainbow. GoodNovel embraces it!
About GoodNovel:
GoodNovel is an online story platform and community based in Singapore that is dedicated to creating a new generation of classic novels and a free zone of imagination powered by technology. GoodNovel’s international localization has covered 10+ languages, including English, Spanish, Indonesian, Russian, Filipino, French etc. to create a multi-lingual, multi-genre reading and writing platform.
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