[GN News] GoodNovel emerges as a Place where Literature Lovers can find Solace during the Pandemic
In a year of quarantine, readers and writers at GoodNovel have turned to fictional stories, in order to look for ways of spiritual connection and sharing. GoodNovel is becoming a more trusted online space to gain financial support as well as professional guidance on writing, especially at this time of immense insecurity.
Janice D., an American amateur fiction writer, discovered GoodNovel during the lockdown and started her entry to the international writing contest that the platform hosted. “Writing for GoodNovel gives me a flexible schedule and all the room I need to flourish creativity. They encourage every idea I have and work to help me make my novels better,” she said. At GoodNovel, the professional teams are devoted to helping both rookie and experienced writers with book covers, suggestions on promotion, and tips to improve their writing.
As one of GoodNovel writers has said, “quarantine has given me time to come up with novel ideas and GoodNovel helps me to try them in my work.” For writers like Janice, the writing platform GoodNovel has emerged as a diversified zone to develop their fantasies and share their creativity. While, for others, GoodNovel becomes a livelihood, since it provides financial security when writers lack income.
Laure came to GoodNovel as a young writer with little experience in fictional stories. Benefited from the writers supporting program, she gradually became a popular writer with tens of thousands of readers loving her stories. Unfortunately, Laure lost one important family member who was the sole breadwinner for the whole family during the pandemic.
Thankfully, her monthly income at GoodNovel has been higher than the average monthly income of an ordinary local office worker, bringing new hope to her family. With the support of the GoodNovel team and the love of her readers, Laure has continued writing and has already become the financial provider for her entire family.
Lisa W. lives in Southeast Asia and works as one of local editors with GoodNovel now. When the pandemic started spreading,she shed her permanent editing job out of necessity to keep healthy and safe, but that lead her to end up living in insecurity, e.g. no benefits and unpredictable income, until she discovered GoodNovel.
She updated stories on GoodNovel as a beginning and soon was employed as an editor by the platform. “It has not only provided me with a stable income but also helped me to keep my anxiety at bay,” she said. GoodNovel has established its local teams in the US, Indonesia, Spain, the Philippines and India to work on indigenous contents. The international platform believes this helps to expand the range of existing stories to resonate better with local readers.
GoodNovel receives users’ feedbacks daily, in which they express the moral inspiration and emotional comfort they get from the great stories on the platform, especially during the pandemic. GoodNovel and its professional team are committed to bringing wonderful stories, convenient reading and writing products to readers. Also, they look forward with anticipation to working with readers and authors, so as to expand the possibilities of literature in the new era.
Check out ongoing writing contests at GoodNovel and be the next big winner: https://www.goodnovel.com/contests