[Book Review] GoodNovel All Time Favorite Romance Book Review— Let Me Go, Mr.Hill
Title : Let Me Go, Mr. Hill!, by Shallow South
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Today, I will be writing a more detailed book review for the best romance I’v read this year.
It is a love-hate situation between two people who met at a club, and got married for their own righteous gains. One, was a very lovely woman who was desperate to own back her name after being tarnished by her own family and her past lover. With this comes a feud between families of families, fake friendships and even money minded people. The only hope that she has, is to get revenge by marrying the great uncle of his past lover whom she thought to be was “Shaun Hill.”
The other, was a very talented and undefeatable lawyer who needed a wife for three years over family matters that were handed to him. Seeing this lovely woman, who desperately wants to get married to him, had him made a choice to accept the offer for his gains. Not knowing that her intentions to get married was just because she thought that he was the uncle of his past lover and not “love.”
In the middle of the story, they had conquered a wild ride together as married couple leading them to secretly fall in love with each other but denies it thoroughly through out the days.
The woman, who had mistaken him for the perfect revenge and The man who taught that she was deeply and madly in love with him….
Here is a fantastic novel called Let Me Go, Mr. Hill!, click the link to read it!